Invest in yourself: Give the Gift of earth+sky

This week, as I make Thanksgiving preparations and talk to others about their plans, I find myself thinking about how October’s “trick or treat” traditions start a period of time when we annually are conditioned to take more than we need. It begins with a few treats, then a November feast(s), then December gifts galore and by January 1 most of us are paying too much (in more ways than one) as we begin champagne and glitter resolutions and intentions to rein it all back in.

So interesting, but I’m opting out.

Maybe this is simply how we hunter/gatherers roll when faced with the biological scarcity of winter. But what I want to mention here is that in yoga, aspirants are guided to embrace five principles, called Yamas, that guide our behavior and interactions with others. The specific Yama that addresses not taking or keeping more than is needed is Aparigraha. As I understand it, the root word “graha” is Greek and indicates something that is clutched or grabbed and causes us to be bound or stuck in some way. The prefix “apari” changes the meaning to non-attachment or non-greed, emphasizing the importance of letting go, not only of material possessions, but also of the desire to accumulate more than what is necessary. This principle encourages us to cultivate contentment, or santosha, fostering a mindset of inner abundance rather than scarcity.

So as we approach the gifting season, I’m seeking to invest in fewer objects and more in experiences that help each other grow and keep is feeling connected and abundant. And, there are some very real benefits to this approach:

  1. Brain Development:  Experiences actually create new neural pathways building not just meaningful memories, but a new way of thinking and perceiving that can last years. Unlike material items that usually lose appeal after a short time.

  2. Building Relationships:  Sharing experiences with old or brand new friends strengthens bonds and a sense of connection, as co-created moments foster shared narratives and personal stories.

  3. Enhanced Well-Being:  Engaging in experiences is linked to increased happiness and satisfaction. Activities like travel, appreciating nature, or learning something different can boost mood and provide a long lasting sense of fulfillment.

  4. Personal Growth: Trying new activities can challenge us, help build skills, confidence, and broaden perspectives.

  5. Greater Clarity: Investing in experiences reduces physical clutter in our lives, promoting mental clarity and a more minimalist lifestyle that can lead to reduced stress.

  6. Enrichment: Gifting experiences offers something unique, bonding and often more thoughtful than traditional material gifts, making them memorable.

All this brings me to why YOU might gift yourself and/or a friend a well-planned balance of adventure, self-care and ENRICHING self discovery:

  1. Because Time is the ultimate gift and quality time in a different and inspiring setting, away from daily routines, enhances relationships to Self and other.

  2. Because the right conscious travel fit will bring educational experiences, whether through historical sites, local traditions and unplanned encounters

  3. Because a getaway can serve as a break, allowing recalibration from everyday stressors, and time for perspective and rejuvenation.

  4. Because Santosha’s wellness trips can be tailored to individual interests, whether it’s relaxation, adventure, culinary, or cultural.

Overall, prioritizing experiences can lead to a more fulfilling and enriched life, making this EARTH+SKY retreat a fantastic choice for the holiday gifting.

Black Friday Offer | $200 Off

EARTH + SKY is a signature Santosha retreat that welcomes all and emboldens the feminine archetypes within us all. I’ll weave grounded yoga practices with mythic teachings from Artemis, Persephone, Athena, Medusa, Hekate, Hestia, Penelope, while professional aerial yoga teachers Amber Monson literally uplifts us, gets us out of our comfort zones and teaches us to defy gravity. Come travel with us and invest in something lasting


drink so you can pour


Samhain Moon Meditation: A Light in the Dark