How Yoga Works
I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed that most people who start a yoga practice believe it will bring them benefits like stress relief; flexibility and well-being. All that is true. But in the decade or more that I’ve been teaching, no practitioner ever has said to me, “I started yoga in order to bring up my demons; my unseen patterns and unresolved fears.
Well friends, here’s a best kept secret: Yoga does both. It will revitalize your body, mind and spirit almost immediately, and if you stay dedicated to practicing, it also will agitate the toxic feelings you’ve buried or been conditioned to hide, and bring them to the surface for you, and probably all those around you, to see. THIS is how transformation actually works. And guess what; yogis have known this little secret forever. And because it’s Scorpio season, I think it’s a good time to unpack the story of how poison is powerful.